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Thursday, November 06, 2008

Alice-isms: Part 1

I got out of the shower the other day, and walked to my bedroom with a towel around my waist to iron my work-shirt. Alice was up, and came into the room and looked at me, standing there in nothing but a towel. She looked me up and down, then declared, "You a naked baby!"

I asked Alice on Tuesday who I should vote for for president. Without hesitation, she said, "Elmo." I explained to her that Elmo was too young to be president and I needed to vote for someone older who had more responsibility. She thought about that for a minute then said, "Cookie Monster." I laughed, and told her if Cookie Monster was president, all he would do is eat cookies. I told her we needed to elect a person to president. She thought about that for a minute, and finally concluded that Zach, her cousin, would be a perfect president.

A quick primer on Alice's developing language:

Punchkin = Pumpkin

Cheecheedaba = Yo Gabba Gabba

Bome = Jerome

No, I want it = I don't want it


Katie/The Family Chef said...

Adorable! I can't believe that is talking so much! I have a feeling that this is just the beginning of the hilarious stuff that she will say...

Carrie said...

You no funny. It naughty.

babysitting buissness said...

You a naked baby, I love it!