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Monday, August 31, 2009

Dog Days/State Fair/Etc

Since Jaime's a stickler for accuracy, here's a comparison photo of Alice and Lonny, in the same location, in the same outfit even, at 2 months:

Kooky, huh?

Jaime's high-school buds had a get-together when Liz and Skyler and their new daughter Melody were in town (from Los Angeles), so we had a good time there, and Alice made some new friends as they sat around the campfire and told stories.

Auntie Carrie and Lonny on the couch, catching some Zs.

Most nights, Lonny will come visit Alice for goodnight kisses/hugs. What a cute pair!


Alice showing off one of the gifts Lonny got at the "Baby Bret's First Birthday and Welcome Lonny Party" at cousin Cheri's house in Elk River.

Our friends the Turman's stopped by to meet Lonny, and that gave Alice time to catch up with Ada and Mae.

Lonny being cute.

There's a smile! He's smiling a lot lately.

Last Friday we met Joanna, Josh, Debbie, Zach, Jerome and Hannah at the State Fair. Lonny was pretty good for most of it. Alice and Zach took the "Kidway" by storm.

I'm pretty sure Carrie and I rode this exact same ride in 1980.

Here comes trouble.

Kiddie-swings were a hit.

The 5 O'Clock Spaghetti-O beard completes the look. Alice walked up to me in this get up and said, "Hello Der!"

Isn't that funny?

Alice checks out my skateboard before our trip to the Mall of America today.

Nickelodeon Park was a hit. Here's Alice riding the Fly-Boat ride.

Alice on the Blue Skeedo ride.

A wave from the driver's seat of her big-rig. After the two boys got on the back, Alice looked and me and let me know that two boys are riding with her, and that's ok.

The Carousel at the MOA was cool!

Enjoying the hot-air balloon ride.

"Look everyone! No hands!"


jb said...

way too much fun!!!

Heideldy Deideldy said...

DUDE! Thank you SO much for the update! I check the blog allll the time so it was great to see these pix!

Lizzie D. said...