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Sunday, August 09, 2009

More Summer fun!

Bathing Lonny is sometimes a full family affair.

Sleeping like an angel.


Jaime and Lonny at the New Brighton Stockyard Days Parade.

Alice loved the parade, though she was too shy to run out for candy. (Thanks for helping Auntie Carrie!)

Alice loves her Sesame Street game. She's very good at's sort of incredible.

Obey the shirt!


Icky chillin' in one of Alice's baby's baskets.

So, last night around 9 p.m., the tornado sirens went off. The whole family went into the basement. Alice didn't wake up for any of it.

Sleeping through a tornado warning.

Lonny out and about at Long Lake Park.


Alice on the airplane at Stockyard Days Fair in Long Lake Park.

Riding some freaky fish.

Hey there beautiful!

More swinging.

Serious playtime.

We found Long Lake!

Testing the water.

Alice in the water. We're gonna head back after dinner, now that Auntie Carrie is back. Whoo hoo!

1 comment:

Grandma said...

What fun!