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Sunday, August 27, 2006

Baby's first trip to IKEA, etc...

As Grandma Jerome got ready to fly back to Las Vegas, we decided to make a trip to IKEA. Grandma had never been there, and it turns out, neither had Alice.

Grandma getting some more "face time" with her #1 Granddaughter.

In all it's glory, but not with snow. That's all I could find on Google.

Alice parked in front of a very swank Swedish living room. You can tell she's impressed.

One of many crying fits. Grandma fields this one.

Oooh. Artsy lights.

In the warehouse.

Wave "bye bye."

On Saturday, we met up with Justin and his girlfriend Kate. They were in town for the pre-season Viking's game. We did breakfast (at 11 a.m.) at Maria's Cafe in Minneapolis. Corn pancakes all around!

Uncle Justin meets Alice for the first time.

I've finally gotten my new computer set up. (Well, I"m ALMOST there). Alice and I played with the built-in web-cam. She liked it.

That's it for now. We need to run to the Renaissance Faire. Huzzah!

Wednesday, August 23, 2006

Photo Time

L to R: Jaime, Lon, Grandma Jerome, Alice, Grandpa Jerome, Carrie

Grandma Mary Jo holding a sleepy baby.

Grandma and Grandpa with a fussy girl.

"Hi Grandma!"


A cozy place to sleep.

An even cozier place to sleep.

Tuesday, August 15, 2006

Two Days In

Two days into Jaime's 'home alone' time with Alice, and she's doing GREAT!! She's a little tired, and a little tired of feeding Alice, who doesn't like to sleep much during the day, but I'm super impressed with how things have gone so far.

Alice is still on a "get up to eat every two to three hours" schedule, so that's keeping us up at night, but Jaime's been letting me sleep through one of the night feedings, so I'm rested enough for work in the morning. Bad news is, my car has decided to stop working. It's been sitting idle in the driveway for a month or so, and didn't start--or do anything--on Monday morning. So I took the "family car" to work, and jumped the Hyundai when I got home. It stared okay, and I ran it around the block to charge the battery. This morning it did the same thing, so I jumped it before work, and nothing happened. When I turned the key, the engine just made a clicking noise. I'm thinking it's the alternator, but need to get this car in the shop ASAP. It's still under warrenty, so most of the issues it has right now are probably covered.

Jaime and Alice weren't too stranded today, because Auntie Carrie came over for a few hours, and brought Jaime lunch.

Speaking of Carrie, she and some cousins went to a Polish festival last weekend, and she brought us some home-made pierogies on Monday night. So we cooked those up with some Polish sausage and some ribs. It was a MASSIVE dinner, and both Carrie and I were feeling the effects of the food well into the night. (TMI?)

Alice's cord fell off last week, and the scabs that remain are almost gone as well. She's very close to having a real, live, belly-button. She got a bath tonight, and you can see how much she loves it in the following pictures...

So, now we just need to nail-down a routine. I still don't know when I'll find time to work on my freelance stuff...but I'm not too worried about it all right now. Is it bedtime yet?

Friday, August 11, 2006

End of the Road

Well, today marked the last full day I get to spend home with Jaime and Alice. I'm pretty sad about it, and I'm sure Jaime is too. Getting back to work will be good, I'm sure, but it's been super-nice having all this family time, and time for me to work on stuff around the house. (Even though you can't necessarily tell!)

Alice has been pretty consistant the last few nights. Up every 2 1/2 to 3 hours for feeding/changing. We're "kind of" getting used to the routine. I've gotten a lot of advice from friends and family that it "keeps getting better every week." And so far, it has.

Alice is really starting to notice her surroundings. She's looking around and definately starting to recognize Mommy and Daddy's faces. I'm pretty sure that in the last two days, she's actually smiled at both of us.

Jaime says that breastfeeding is "better" than in the beginning. She's really a pro at it now...she can get Alice latched on in no-time. I think she'll probably start pumping this weekend, and that will help her out at night, since she will no longer be the only one who can feed Alice at 3 a.m.

We went to the Women's Clinic at Fairview today. Jaime wanted a doctor to look at her incision. It's been a little sore, and a little leaky. Turns out, it was fine, and that gave us both a lot of relief.

I think that's about it for the last few days.

Alice winking up on Jaime's shoulder.

Geeking her up at a young age.

Some quality couch time. It doesn't last long, but I enjoy it.

Alice testing out her new swing, courtesy of Grandpa Olesen. I think she'll like it, once she warms up to it.

Tuesday, August 08, 2006

Plus de Photo: parte deux

Last night was better. Alice slept in 2-3 hour intervals, so I'm up at 8 a.m. today, and feeling ready for the day. Jaime, not so much...but she got less sleep than I did...on account of the feeding.

I walked to the local coffee shop and got Jaime an iced latte. She had curbed her coffee/caffeine intake during the pregnancy, but it's now time to get back on it. It's nice out today, but I still got hella-sweaty.

Ok, more pics!

Jaime and Alice in mid-snooze.

Alice and I doin' the same.

"Instructions Not Included" onsie.

Asleep during a diaper change.


Monday, August 07, 2006

Plus de Photo

Auntie Joanna snaps a photo with her phone.

Asta meets Alice.

Auntie Jenessa gets her turn.

As does Grandma.

Over the River, and Through the Woods...

Since the last post, Alice has gone on her first "significant" road trip-to Elk River-to see Grandma Olesen. She was fine in the car, as long as we were moving. She slept most of the way there and back. Jaime liked getting out of the house for the first time in a week, and enjoyed our detour to Coon Rapids to do a litte shopping. Though, she admitted, that after walking around Jo Ann Fabrics for five minutes her incision began to hurt.

Alice's sleep schedule is still messed up, but we're going to try a few things to fix that. It's starting to drive Jaime crazy.

Velcro and Alice have a little meeting. It ended with Alice kicking Velcro in the face, and Velcro not minding it so much.

More pics to come!

Friday, August 04, 2006

What is sleep?

Alice has her sleep schedule all screwed up. She's up all night, and sleeps through the days. I think we need to fix that. Last night, and the night before, Jaime and Alice have fallen asleep together during a nursing session.

Alice got a bath this morning (the least we could do to repay her for the sleepless night), and is currently napping away in the living room (to the soothing sounds of Chuck Woolery and the Love Connection).

Not much else to report at this time. Maybe I should take a nap.

Wednesday, August 02, 2006

New Pics

Action shot of Alice in her fuzzy socks. They looked so small before she was here.

Mommy and her little peanut

One Week

Alice is one week old today! She had her first doctor's appointment this morning and is looking great. She is up to 6 lbs 4 oz, so almost back to her birth weight. Not much of a surprise, because she really likes to eat. Last night was a little rough, as she was up every hour or hour and a half to eat. But, she has slept a lot today so mommy and daddy were able to get a nap in.

I have been feeling pretty good. My incision hasn't hurt too badly, just a little difficult to stand/sit up sometimes. The medication helps a lot though :) My feet and hands are a still a little swollen, but not anywhere near as bad as they were when I was pregnant. The doctor said it may take a couple of weeks to return to normal. I can't wait. The swollen-ness was one of the hardest parts about being pregnant. It will be nice to be able to wear shoes again!

Lon has been great with Alice and is now a master diaper-changer. In fact, I think I have changed one diaper and he has done the rest. I am going to miss him when he has to go back to work. It is a little difficult at times, but I think we are both adjusting to having this little person around.

Alice and Daddy.

Tuesday, August 01, 2006

Alice Mae: Movie Star?

New Photos

Peek a boo.

Alice and I catching some Zs.


Auntie Carrie.

Alice & Mae. BFF.

At home, in her Pack 'N Play (portable crib).

What a week!

Alice is almost a week old. How exciting.

We just had a visit from a nurse (to our home) and she gave Alice and Jaime checkups, and everyone is doing well. Every doctor or nurse who has looked at Jaime's incision has commented on how nice it THANK YOU Dr. Yungerberg! Alice has gained some weight since being home, and is now up to 6 pounds, 2 1/2 ounces. (She was down to 5 pounds, 14 ounces before we left the hospital).

Our stay at Fairview Riverside was nice. We got to stay four and a half days. That was up to us, they said, and Jaime wanted/needed that extra day of rest and help. Thanks again for everyone who visited.

Sunday night was our first night at home with Alice, and things went pretty well. Up about every two to three hours for feedings, and i even got her to snuggle with me on the bed and fall alseep to give Mommy a break. Yesterday was HOT, and our two window AC units barely cut it. We were worried about Alice's temperature, so we had her down to just diapers for a period of time. But, like the trooper she is, she pulled through.

Today is a much more mild summer day, and we can really feel it in the house.

Last night was better than the first night. Alice has been a very good and content baby, with few yelling fits (and those have all been solved with rocking and feeding).