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Friday, August 11, 2006

End of the Road

Well, today marked the last full day I get to spend home with Jaime and Alice. I'm pretty sad about it, and I'm sure Jaime is too. Getting back to work will be good, I'm sure, but it's been super-nice having all this family time, and time for me to work on stuff around the house. (Even though you can't necessarily tell!)

Alice has been pretty consistant the last few nights. Up every 2 1/2 to 3 hours for feeding/changing. We're "kind of" getting used to the routine. I've gotten a lot of advice from friends and family that it "keeps getting better every week." And so far, it has.

Alice is really starting to notice her surroundings. She's looking around and definately starting to recognize Mommy and Daddy's faces. I'm pretty sure that in the last two days, she's actually smiled at both of us.

Jaime says that breastfeeding is "better" than in the beginning. She's really a pro at it now...she can get Alice latched on in no-time. I think she'll probably start pumping this weekend, and that will help her out at night, since she will no longer be the only one who can feed Alice at 3 a.m.

We went to the Women's Clinic at Fairview today. Jaime wanted a doctor to look at her incision. It's been a little sore, and a little leaky. Turns out, it was fine, and that gave us both a lot of relief.

I think that's about it for the last few days.

Alice winking up on Jaime's shoulder.

Geeking her up at a young age.

Some quality couch time. It doesn't last long, but I enjoy it.

Alice testing out her new swing, courtesy of Grandpa Olesen. I think she'll like it, once she warms up to it.


Carrie said...

Gawd. . . . I wasn't planning on seeing you guys today - but after seeing the pics - maybe I have to stop in for "just a minute" on my way to Jon's birthday party!

If I miss you guys tho - give my little peanut a big smooch from Auntie Carrie!

Carrie said...

PS - Polish Fest was fun - Julie and I had a good time - even tho we didn't win any raffles - YET. (The big stuff will be drawn tonight) - AND - I have pierogis for you guys - Can I make you dinner (at your house) tomorrow?