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Monday, August 07, 2006

Over the River, and Through the Woods...

Since the last post, Alice has gone on her first "significant" road trip-to Elk River-to see Grandma Olesen. She was fine in the car, as long as we were moving. She slept most of the way there and back. Jaime liked getting out of the house for the first time in a week, and enjoyed our detour to Coon Rapids to do a litte shopping. Though, she admitted, that after walking around Jo Ann Fabrics for five minutes her incision began to hurt.

Alice's sleep schedule is still messed up, but we're going to try a few things to fix that. It's starting to drive Jaime crazy.

Velcro and Alice have a little meeting. It ended with Alice kicking Velcro in the face, and Velcro not minding it so much.

More pics to come!

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