Lilypie Kids Birthday tickers Lilypie Second Birthday tickers

Wednesday, August 02, 2006

One Week

Alice is one week old today! She had her first doctor's appointment this morning and is looking great. She is up to 6 lbs 4 oz, so almost back to her birth weight. Not much of a surprise, because she really likes to eat. Last night was a little rough, as she was up every hour or hour and a half to eat. But, she has slept a lot today so mommy and daddy were able to get a nap in.

I have been feeling pretty good. My incision hasn't hurt too badly, just a little difficult to stand/sit up sometimes. The medication helps a lot though :) My feet and hands are a still a little swollen, but not anywhere near as bad as they were when I was pregnant. The doctor said it may take a couple of weeks to return to normal. I can't wait. The swollen-ness was one of the hardest parts about being pregnant. It will be nice to be able to wear shoes again!

Lon has been great with Alice and is now a master diaper-changer. In fact, I think I have changed one diaper and he has done the rest. I am going to miss him when he has to go back to work. It is a little difficult at times, but I think we are both adjusting to having this little person around.

Alice and Daddy.


Carrie said...

I think that's about the sweetest picture of my baby brother and his baby. I'm a little VaKlempt.

Grandpa Jerome said...

My Son and his daughter, It just doesn't get any better than this.