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Friday, August 04, 2006

What is sleep?

Alice has her sleep schedule all screwed up. She's up all night, and sleeps through the days. I think we need to fix that. Last night, and the night before, Jaime and Alice have fallen asleep together during a nursing session.

Alice got a bath this morning (the least we could do to repay her for the sleepless night), and is currently napping away in the living room (to the soothing sounds of Chuck Woolery and the Love Connection).

Not much else to report at this time. Maybe I should take a nap.

1 comment:

Grandpa Jerome said...

Maybe we will have to change her name to Grandma and Grandpa's revenge, Alice's father did this for several months before he finally settled down to a decent schedule. I sure she will get over this.
I Love You Alice!