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Thursday, April 26, 2007

9 Months Old!!!

Alice is 9 Months old today!! That's as long as I was pregnant...crazy how quickly it has all gone.

Alice rocking her new "Fred Flintstone" 5 o'clock shadow made of beef and peas.

Playing with her favorite fishy toy in the bath.

No time to put on pants with all these fun toys to play with!

Kissy face

Let me out of this thing!! (she is really watching her new favorite show Jack's Big Music Show


Grandpa Jerome said...


I Love Your 5 O'clock shadow.

You are getting so big so fast.

We Love You All,


Carrie said...

Is it wrong that I just linked to Jack's Big Music Show - and watched "I Hope My Mama Says Yes" again??

(I even checked out Audra Rox's website) . .. yea - she DOES ROCK!