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Thursday, April 12, 2007

Playing Catch-Up

Well, we're back from Vegas...taxes are paid...and we're both back to work on stuff for the Craftstravaganza Rogue Art and Craft Fair at the end of the month. So, let's play catch-up with some pics of Alice I know y'all have been dying for.

Fun times in the bathtub. Alice wore that rag on her head for a good five minutes. She's nutty.

Great Auntie Sue acts as a highchair at the Hunter Girl's Reunion in Detroit Lakes. Great Grandpa is in the background.

Sure the food was good...BUT HAVE YOU TRIED THIS PLATE??!!??

Alice loves bath-time, but wasn't sure what to think of the pool. I think in about a year we won't be able to keep her out of a pool.

Playtime in the hotel room.

Not sleeping on the car ride home. So what? That's how she rolls. :)

Open mouth, insert foot.

Her first plane ride. She slept the whole way to Vegas.

Dancing on Grandma's piano. Mom sure looks excited.

Pretty as can be in front of the fountains at Caesar's Palace.

Meeting a "real Italian" at Raos in Caesars.

Taking a bath in Grandma's sink. Pretty fun!

One of the few (non crying) moments in Granpa's lap. She warmed up to old "big bear" eventually.

She misses Grandma and Grandpa already!

Riding the tram at the Vegas airport. Heading home.

"Look at all the pretty lights!" Landing in Minneapolis.


Grandma said...

Great pictures!

I miss all of you - it was so fun to have you visit us in Las Vegas.


Grandpa Jerome said...

Finally got this stupid thing to work.

Alice we miss you very much.

Daddy, why would you call Grandpa a big OLD Bear?

What's up with that?


Mama Kautz said...

Big 'ol Teddy Bear hee hee great pics

Grandpa Jerome said...

Just checking to see if I remembered my new password.

Miss you today too Alice.


Phil said...

Hey Lon, I just wanted to let you know that you inspired me to put together a blog for my folks!