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Friday, April 20, 2007

Playing Catch Up #2

Busy week. Lon and I are both trying to get ready for the Craftstravaganza next Saturday. That, along with working, isn't leaving much time for blogging. But here are some quick pics

Last Saturday, we went to the park (by the coffee shop, hee hee) Even though she is a bit too small for the baby swing, she still enjoyed it.


These cool chimes play music when you hit them. I think mommy was way more impressed with them than Alice

Alice helping Mommy make dinner. I like this picture because I think there is a similar one of me when I was a baby with the funky 70's tile floor (our kitchen is a little outdated)

You want me to eat what?



Mama Kautz said...

who needs exspensive toys when you can have kitchen gadgets :)

Carrie said...

And the park is so fun! (and FREE!)


Grandpa Jerome said...


It looks like you are having a fun time to me. I wish I were there to push you on the swing.

We Love You All,
